Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wierd Wenseday

I'm feeling a litle wierd today. i'm tired of alot of things that have been going on recently. trying to keep it to myself, but it is about to blow. family. gotta love em. but i'm 'bout to show them just how much i don't LIKE them. lol. i have always tired to be so fair with my girls. you get this amount for your birthday. i spend this amount on christmas. i feel like i've done a good job. well not everyone does as good a job as me. i'm about to blow. i'm done. i'm tired. i'll leave it at that.

now lets get on to happier things!!! lol i think i am gonna order my own christmas present this year. i think. if i don't chicken out. lol. i'll let ya know if i get it. it is something just for me. me. me. me. i am so self centered lately. lol.

have ya seen my places to hang on the right grow lately? man some of these blogs i have been adding have some amazing projects going on! i have always loved tracey Niehaus, and now i've found her blog. i am soooooooo excited. she is a awesome teacher also. me and rona had a class with her at the very first memory trends we went to and i have been a big fan since. her classes at cku were amazing. she is teaching at for keeps sake in st louis in next year sometime. i would love to take her class, but you have to take the whole thing, and it is a bit expensive. i could buy a ton of stuff with the money i would spend on the weekend. so i probally will not go. bummer. she is a neat, genuinely sweet person. i admire her, esp in recent events of the sb industry. she remains cool! and have you seen the queen and co blog. some awesome idea's on that blog as well. check out those blogs if you have a minute, or hour, lol.

well better get back to work. have a great day.

oh and don't forget about the crop on friday night!!!! i'm coming in my jammies, how about you???????


Penne said...

Definitely a jammies night.
So what's up with the charm swap.
I haven't heard from you so Darlene and I already started on the charms. Guess you need to tell us how many to make.

Cynde said...

i count 6 of us--you, darlene, stormy, angelia, ashtyn, and me. this should be fun!!! we will talk about it friday night, since there is only 6 of us, it won't be very hard! but lots of fun!

Unknown said...

family stuff, huh???Still the same ole stuff???? Yeah, I hear ya, like I said before, Not fair... Krista started working at Millersville Gas.
Talk later, deb

Barb said...

but the Scrap St Louis will be so cool! I'm going and I think mom too.....what great teachers and ideas.....also took class from Tracey at FKS a couple years ago-really cool....too busy to make it down lately, maybe over Christmas