Friday, November 23, 2007

Good Black Friday Morning!!!

So is everyone stuffed?? i am at work, boohoo! it is my turn to work, so i will not have to do it for another 3 years and by then hopefully our new and ohsoexciting heart center (i'm not sure of the official name!) will be open and it will be a whole new world and i won't have to work it! lol for P&G today is a holiday. ?????? strange. christmas eve isn't but the day after thanksgiving is. i'm sure there is a good explanation. i'm sure there is. lol

sooooo i did not go shopping but mark and the girls did. and my mom and dad. soooooo not fair. i am usually the only one going. creaps. lol. markie is having alot of fun. she got her first big paycheck and i think it is all gone. i keep trying to tell her she has 2 whole weeks before another one, but she doesn't care. oh to be young again. lol

so did you have a good thanksgiving? we my family never starts on time, but i was 20 minutes late and they started on time. what the heck? lol so by the time i got thru the line, the chichen and dumplins were all but gone. 2 spoon fulls, but they were good! i wasn't in the mood to eat, right before i got in the shower i stubbed my toe on my kitchen bar stool. oh my did it hurt. it's the one next to my lil toe. it is purple, blue, pinkish, swollen, yucky. and hurts. i did mentioned it hurt right? it had these burning pains shooting up my foot. i know, waaaaaaw. but it hurt. i'm such a baby. oh well, maybe iwon't gain 100 lbs from all the food i should of eaten. lol

well better get back to work, it is soooooo slow. i brought some stuff to do thou, lol.

have a great day and weekend!!!

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