So i haven't taken any of the yucky medicine since sunday night. i am having awful dizziness, ringing in my ear, and just all around weird feeling. but i think i can handle it! yeah!!! but i do feel a little more edgy! lol. examples:
Markie's car agreement said she could not have a grade lower than a c at anytime. i haven't threatened to take away the car, it's the beginning of the year, i will give her a break. that was wrong. SOOOO grades come out next week. i am gonna call the secretary today and get her grades. if she has anything lower than a c, you will see me driving her car!!! she freaked out this morning. "but Josh is coming home". um, so. she is freaking out. totally. and i hope she learns something from this. i think she has a d+. but is not her fault. so i ask her whose it is. can't answer that. she tries she really does. BUT she NEVER brings a book home. NEVER. NEVER studies for a test. she says it's her test that bring her down. uh, duh. you don't study for them that is what happens. plus she has ADD and she NEEDS to be in a different room than everyone else when she takes her test, but she doesn't think so. so i'm not gonna make her. maybe she will listen to me, maybe not. now she's saying Josh will break up with her if she doesn't see him. um ok. I see no problem with that. He is 19, doesn't have a license or car so the only way he can see her is if she picks him up and she drives. oh the joys of having teenagers!
then i order some personilized ribbon from 'The Knot', it's a online wedding site that you can order things from. well, the personilzation (names and date of wedding) rubs off. so i email them. this is their response 'The ribbon is personalize with foil its not embroider so please be careful with the foil ink. The personalize ink is very flakey so please don't touch it when it dries.' well what are you suppose to do with it. unroll it and look at it. and i paid 30 bucks for 100 ft. i emailed them back and i was not nice. lol
I will make it, I will make it!!!
You will make it!!! The Knot are a bunch of dingbats who probably not married with no hope of ever being married! j/k Although their e-mail response was stupid. Oh well...
BTW, when is the STG Retreat meeting? I am going to the store today. How about you?
i am, but my hair appt is moved to 3 and angelia can not come today. :(. i will emial ya!!!
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