ha! thought i hadn't posted again, didn't ya. lol sorry for so long without a post. i'm not really sure why either! lol.
So i have lots to talk about!!!!
This weekend's retreat was a blast. the signup's were down, but the people that did come, were alot of fun!!! and can i say i love my new $1.00 rolly chair i got at the hospital 'gargage' sale!! i'm not sure shannon like it much, i rammed her table as i slid just a little to far!!!! guess ya had to be there. I will say that i love having the younger girls take my classes! not that i don't like you OLD people (i'm just kidding, you know that, since i'm old too, lol) but they were soooo cool! we had three 12/13 yo girls and let me tell ya, they can scrap witht the best of us!!! i sure hope they continue to come to our retreats.
Saturday night we went to my dad's farm in illinois and they had a hay ride for a TON of young kids. we just stayed behind and sat around the fire. now that was real relaxing. i even drank me a couple beers! it is nice to have children who can drive ya! (ok , well only sometimes!)
and not to sound like i'm reliving my younger years, i went to a going away party friday night for one of the doc's in the cath lab and it was at bel-air. it was so much fun!!!!
awww geez. amanda just called and said their dog got hit by a car this morning. they are taking him to the vet, but he can't walk. she is gonna feel so bad. they have left him at neil's mom's until they can get a place ready for him at their house. see, this is why i never had animals. it so heart breaking. but then again they bring so much joy. dang.
ok so now i've forgotten what i was gonna say. i'll be back later.
Scout (amanda and neils dog) is gonna be ok. he is gonna stay at the vets tonight with iv's and will get to go home tomorrow. whew!!! wasn't sure i was ready for all that drama.
oh, oh, oh!!! so Mark comes home last night and say's 'ya wanna move to utah?' i told him several months ago that P and G was gonna build a plant out there, so i was like Yeah!!! but only after Markie graduates. i think he was joking, but wouldn't that be fun! he said they hadn't said anything about it yet officially. but i'm not sure he was to happy when i said 'You do know that utah is the scrapbooking capital of the world, don't ya?'. lol priceless! but ya know, i have never moved anywhere on my own, without my parents and family. wouldn't that be fun! he would only have to go out there for 3 years. i think i could stand it! we'll see!!!
well it looks like ck has tried to make up for the HOF mess. i think i can accept their apology. but i am still a little defensive and will be. i subscribe to their mag anymore, don't really like it. my fav is For Keeps. i LOVE that mag!!!!
OMG!! me and markie went to a auction yesterday that amanda and neil were at. we had so much fun. everything was going for like a dollar. it was cool for us!!! i got this OLD camera for a buck!!! it was to much fun. and it was a perfect day!! now i have auction fever!!!
well it is time to go home. i will be back tomorrow!!