Thursday, January 10, 2008


A SODA AND I'M GONNA HAVE ONE! ok i feel better and i am gonna have a soda. wheew. this is NOT easy. i love my sodas. i'm not sure i can live with out them. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! damn, i have been loosing alot this week. not pounds, just stuff. my soda, my sb store. uuugggghhhh!!!!


Penne said...

Why don't you just try limiting yourself to one 12oz a day. There is no way I could just stop cold turkey. However, I plan on drinking lots of sodas this weekend since our work's biggest loser contest starts Monday.

Cynde said...

I can have 2 12 oz a day, one in the am and the other in the afternoon. BUTTODAYIHADTOHAVEONEATLUNCHTOO. UUUGGGHHHHHH. i am trying. :( lol

rhonda said...

Are they diet sodas? I can have diet sodas (caffeine free, mainly), but I have to have lots of water. That's a great weight loss secret. Drink lots of water.

*Scrapper-Gone-Wild* said...

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger Cynde! I too am trying to kick the Soda addiction {Mr.Pibb & Dr.Pepper} and trying to drink water. I like water until I get in my car ...then for some reason my car just navigates itself to the drive thru to get a soda???? I am going to really try hard but I am sure I will have a few at the retreat :) I have to loose some weight! & without drinking lots of water it's just not gonna happen! My goal is 1 gal. a day but we will see. Talk to ya soon! Angelia

Penne said...

Maybe we could all try to get a gallon a day. Can't you just see us all carrying around an empty milk jug full of water? I am going to start drinking lots of water starting Monday. Thankfully, our work just added Pibb Zero to the soda machine. Of course I suggested it, and they weren't sure enough people would drink them, so a few of us were drinking 2-3 a day just to make it look like it was wildly popular and they would keep it. Good thing it caught on and now we don't have to drink so much. :)