Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Scrap Pink

Are you going? I can't wait. i have my table decoration in my head. i just have to get it done! Rona said on her Blog today that she has more prizes than attendee's so that sounds like you had better sign up!!

all these clouds and very little rain. i wish it would just rain a slow nice cool rain for about 24 hours. the plants need it, my car needs washing and then maybe it turn cooler! i am afraid we are gonna go from steaming hot to coat cold. i hate that!!! i want a nice weekend where i can work out in my yard :O (for those of you who know me, that is a laugh! but i really need to get some things done!)

My friend who is adopting from Guatemala should be bringing her sweet, adorable baby girl Grace home on friday. i got a email from her yesterday and she is officially reconzied in the US as therese and jared's baby girl!!! if you know anyone who has adopted you know that it is a really long grueling process. I know it is needed, but geez. they have been waiting over a year. i just try and keep thinking it takes 10 months to have a baby so this is not much longer, it just seemed longer cause Grace was born on Sept 22 2006 (amanda's birthday!) and we have been seeing updates of her for a year. I can't wait to meet her. WOW!

Well i had my first photography class last night. the instructor was awesome. i felt like he was talking to me and he talked in terms i could understand. i'm so excited to be actually learning about my camera. that thing is alot smarter than i knew, and it can be alot more complicated if you want it to be. i didn't go to bed til after 1030!!! and i feel pretty good today! lol

well i'm ALMOST off this awful drug efexxor. i hate it. hopefully it will only be a couple more weeks. i feel like i have missed a whole year while on this medicine. i want my energy back. i don't want to sleep all the time. but i also don't want to be a b!%&* either, lol. i am working on it. i hope my family is patient with me.

another thing i am going to work on is wearing my cpap at night. Dr G seems to think that is my problem and if i can get some good nights sleep, i will be a whole different person. i'm sure he is right. i just hate wearing that thing. i don't like anything out of the ordinary, esp when i sleep! BUT i am gonna work on it, i promised myself.

sorry another long, boring post!


Penne said...

I am so excited for Saturday!!! What are ya doing for your table decoration?

Cynde said...

i can't tell. lol but it will be edable (i know, spelling, you will be able to eat it!!!)