Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Two Days in a Row!!!

wow! ok so all the sneak peaks has me all hyper. geez. it's only paper and stuff. yeah right. lol so if you want to feel the same way, just take a look at the new fancy pants designs website. here's the link. http://www.fancypantsdesigns.com/store/index.php?main_page=featured_products&disp_order=1&page=1

8 pages of awesome goodness. i want it all. and my favorite? don't laugh, but it's the ball ribbon. it is the coolest! i want it in all colors imaginable. i do. but i don't always get what i want, lol. i can't wait to find out when this stuff is shipping. and we are planning a fall retreat, and i can't wait.

i haven't seen some of you in a while. hope everyone is doing good.

opps, i'll be back.

1 comment:

Debbi said...

Everything will be fine. It may take some time, but it will be. If you anything just holler.
Debbi M