It's good because I'm off tomorrow!!!! yeah! And i need it, i've had some dosey of days lately. i kinda need to zone out. but NOT! lol i'm gonna go help Rona at the store tomorrow and saturday. then sunday i'll help move everything out of the store. :( I was in the store monday, and i can't believe the amount of stuff, great stuff, she still has. i have spent my part, believe me, lol. and i still want more. no need more! SOOOOOOOOOO, if you haven't been in, you might want to stock up!! it's a deal!
So it looks like we are gonna get some warm weather, yeah! maybe it'll melt the snow that is piled up on all the parking lots around. lol i went to walmart yesterday and tried to park in several spaces and there was snow in them. and the rest of them were full. ok not all of them, the ones a mile away were open, but instead of getting the well deserved exercise my body needs, i left. yep. i really didn't need a loaf of bread anyway. ha! now when i run out of soad, i'll go back. and walk that mile. but bread. nope.
I got a good deal at the local mcdonalds this morning! you buy a med or large drink and get a mcskillet free! that's 1.07 for a soda and a mcskillet. i'd never had a mcskillet before. they are ok, but to much for me. to much food. i much prefer my regular breakfast burrito. and a side of hash browns. and 10 pounds to my hips. buttttt i wouldn't pass up that deal again! lol on the sign it said it was good today and tomorrow. it's worth a try. i told the girl, what you all trying to do get me hooked on something else? uh, yeah. lol
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Just Mellowing Out
after the week i had, i am just hanging out at home. The girls went to town and asked me to go, but i just want to mellow out. me, chloe and pokey. after a year and a half, pokey and chloe STILL do not get along. ugghhhh. but they are chasing each other up and down the hall. it's funny to see pokey the cat chasing chole. chloe just wants to play!
My friend Debbie is in the hospital and needs prayers, so if you could add her to your prayer list i would appreciate it. she is having some problems associated to her wreck from a year and a half ago. she is doing better. i went and seen her friday night and will go today or maybe tomorrow. like i said, i kinda just want to zone out today and her family is with her.
I did place my FIRST order today for the online store. if i could link i would, someone has to give me a tutorial on how to do that! lol but it is PINK PAISLEY. here is a link to their cool site. that is to the live pink site. it is so cool. it's kinda like myspace but for scrappers! it is cool.
it was fun seeing everyone at the store yesterday. i spent alot on stuff i will need. like flowers, paper, stamps. oh it breaks my heart. saturday will be her last day. i am off friday and will be there friday and saturday to help anyone who needs help spending their money, lol! i will miss all my friends. but we will continue on. i am trying to figure out ways to keep cropping.
ok here is a new blog (i know, i know another blog) i created to go along with my website. i will post what i am expecting in and if you see something you like email me and let me know! the addy
My friend Debbie is in the hospital and needs prayers, so if you could add her to your prayer list i would appreciate it. she is having some problems associated to her wreck from a year and a half ago. she is doing better. i went and seen her friday night and will go today or maybe tomorrow. like i said, i kinda just want to zone out today and her family is with her.
I did place my FIRST order today for the online store. if i could link i would, someone has to give me a tutorial on how to do that! lol but it is PINK PAISLEY. here is a link to their cool site. that is to the live pink site. it is so cool. it's kinda like myspace but for scrappers! it is cool.
it was fun seeing everyone at the store yesterday. i spent alot on stuff i will need. like flowers, paper, stamps. oh it breaks my heart. saturday will be her last day. i am off friday and will be there friday and saturday to help anyone who needs help spending their money, lol! i will miss all my friends. but we will continue on. i am trying to figure out ways to keep cropping.
ok here is a new blog (i know, i know another blog) i created to go along with my website. i will post what i am expecting in and if you see something you like email me and let me know! the addy
Thursday, February 21, 2008
the name of one of my favorite shows. i feel like i have alot of them. some closer than others. but one thing i know is i can't do with out any of them. seriously. not one. each plays a enourmous part in my life.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
what a day yesterday was! on friday my mom told me about a auction that was gonna be at the barks auction barn between jackson and cape. a bridal shop from farmington/frederick town went out of business. sunday they had previews and you could try on, so we went and amanda's flower girl came and tried on some dresses. well we found THE one. markie found one too! so i took some hours off yesterday (five to be exact!) and went. OMG! things were going sooooo cheap. it was kinda sad for the owner of the store. she was sitting by me (i found out later.). it was sooooo hard on her. i can't even imagine. but if i didn't get the good, no great, deal, someone else was gonna. so tot the flower girl dress for 45 bucks! the price tag on it was 140.00 yeah. i got markie the dress she wanted for 40, and the tag was 219.00. then there was another dress i thought she might like and i got it for 45.00. the tag on it was 349! wow! i got a tiara for sydney (the flower girl) and a jewel hair clip for markie. i also got a pen for the guess book for 3 bucks and a couple of other things. then i went to work for a hour and a half. THEN me and amanda went back to the auction! some of the wedding dresses were going for 10-15 bucks. OMG! and they were beautiful. it was so sad. most of the dealers had left by that time. we then got a veil for amanda for FIVE bucks. OMG! and some guest books for 2 bucks. a huge bag of toule for 7 bucks. OMG! it was awesome. i felt so sad for the owner. i wished her luck.
THEN i got home and was taking the auction tag off the dress and there it was. a huge big blue mark down the front of markies yellow dress. NO! it was a good deal! NO! you see when they sold the dress, they wrote the buyers number on the ticket with a sharpie. during the auction i kept thinking 'i hope they don't mark on any of the dresses'. and it happen to MINE, well not mine, but markies. dang it. so i called mrs barks and she said to bring it back. but i asked her if i could try and get it out first. she suggested oxyclean. so i tried it. nope nada. i knew hairspray would take marker off of things, but i wasn't sure about this taffita (sp) material stuff. BUT IT DID! it looks perfect. it feels a little stiff from all the hair spray, but it's all good. a little scrubbing and sticky fingers, but it's all good! it was a good bargin day.
now i just have to find me a dress. i think i will wear jeans and a t-shirt.
THEN i got home and was taking the auction tag off the dress and there it was. a huge big blue mark down the front of markies yellow dress. NO! it was a good deal! NO! you see when they sold the dress, they wrote the buyers number on the ticket with a sharpie. during the auction i kept thinking 'i hope they don't mark on any of the dresses'. and it happen to MINE, well not mine, but markies. dang it. so i called mrs barks and she said to bring it back. but i asked her if i could try and get it out first. she suggested oxyclean. so i tried it. nope nada. i knew hairspray would take marker off of things, but i wasn't sure about this taffita (sp) material stuff. BUT IT DID! it looks perfect. it feels a little stiff from all the hair spray, but it's all good. a little scrubbing and sticky fingers, but it's all good! it was a good bargin day.
now i just have to find me a dress. i think i will wear jeans and a t-shirt.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
how is everyone? i hope you have warmth! i know alot of the area has been without power. we lost it breifly on tuesday for about 5 hours. Then, thank God it came back on. My parents finally got it last night about 7 and had been without it since monday night/morning about 12am. they have a generator thankfully. my aunt went to their house also. when our power went out we (ok I) panicked (how do you spell that?) i have to have heat. or want it. so we piled up in the f250 and went on our way to Buchheit's. we were on the hunt for a wick for our kerosine heater. me and chloe stayed in the truck and mark and markie went in. they said there were people screaming cause they ran out of kersosine heaters. needless to say, they were out of them. so was walmart. and target. but our wonderful friend tim got on the phone for us while we were aimlessly searching and found that elias hardward has some. so off we went. BUT my wonderful husband didn't know what size we needed. duh. so we bought several. and them things are like 12-13 bucks a piece! then we went and helped amanda and neil clean off her car that she left at the mall overnight. i'm not sure how long it took us. it was covered in inches of ice. but we got it open and started and they made it home. and those wicks we bought. none worked. none in the store either. lol but we got power before we even got home. thankfully. my inlaws, not so lucky. theirs went out tuesday morning early and they got it for a couple hours yesterday and i'm not sure if they still have it. my niece and nephew were staying with them and they came and stayed all night at my house last night. you know, being without a tv is unthinkable. lol. at least to me. my sister in law is stuck in dexter, where she works. man, what a week! thankfully it is suppose to get warmer today. hopefully it all melts and then we'll have the trees to clean up.
so if you've read the small town girls blog, you know i have been busy getting things in order to start a online store. i'm really excited about this. really excited. i want to order things that hobby lobby doesn't carry, or what April, christina, and crystal's store will carry. and i hope to tie it all in to retreats! where i could also bring some of my inventory with me! this tax stuff is alittle confusing, but i think i can muddle thru it! i hope i can do everything i have imagined. i'm really excited. i know with online stores that shipping is a big concern, but i plan on charging a miminal shipping fee. and i hope to have free shipping if you spent a certain amount. also, since i work in cape, i don't have a problem with meeting people certain places with orders! i'm gonna have to see how much this website is gonna cost me. i am finding more and more options. PLEASE if you have or know anyone with any experience, let me know!!!! well my break is over, better get back to work!
so if you've read the small town girls blog, you know i have been busy getting things in order to start a online store. i'm really excited about this. really excited. i want to order things that hobby lobby doesn't carry, or what April, christina, and crystal's store will carry. and i hope to tie it all in to retreats! where i could also bring some of my inventory with me! this tax stuff is alittle confusing, but i think i can muddle thru it! i hope i can do everything i have imagined. i'm really excited. i know with online stores that shipping is a big concern, but i plan on charging a miminal shipping fee. and i hope to have free shipping if you spent a certain amount. also, since i work in cape, i don't have a problem with meeting people certain places with orders! i'm gonna have to see how much this website is gonna cost me. i am finding more and more options. PLEASE if you have or know anyone with any experience, let me know!!!! well my break is over, better get back to work!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Where In The World Is..............
Penne? i am getting worried. she has not emailed me since tuesday, despite me emailing her several times. i have tried her on her cell. no answer. hmmmmm. i did ditch her monday at lunch, to go with amanda to do the dress/church thing. but i don't think she is mad at me over that. lol she commented on my blog tuesday morning and that is the last i have heard from her. hmmmmm. hope i hear from her soon!
well tomorrow night is the last crop. man. how depressing. but i can't wait to see everyone. it is almost full too. i think 28 adn it's full at 30. i may be wrong thou. i have been wrong once or twice. lol
have you seen the new fancy pants coming out at winter cha. OMG. OMG. OMG. it is amazing. i have to have it all. if i had any doubts about a online store, i don't think i do now. i must have it all. and the only way to assurely get it in my hot lil hands, is to do a online store. i have to call the small business center today. my friend refered me there. wish me luck. i have prayed about it, and i think i'm doing the right thing. i'm excited. i have a group of cool online girls that are giving me some hints. now i have to tell mark. he don't care. he really is cool about it all. but it doesn't mean i can't complain about him every now and then!
Oh Debbie! we ate at the jackson grill last night. it was good and cheap! it was neil's birthday so we went out to eat with mom and dad. markie even went, what can i say if she hears free food, she is there. kinda like her mom. i said kinda. it was fun. the girls are at a fun age. they actually sat by each other and might even of touched a couple times and didn't scream or yell! lol ok well they haven't done that in awhile. at least a couple months. lol. down side of that? i'm getting old. oh well.
well markie picked out her dress for the wedding yesterday and paid the deposit. anyone got any extra money laying around they don't want? lol man. weddings are expensive. and markie will need a prom dress. she said she would wear the one she wore for snowball, but i don't think she will. we'll see. she didn't want to look at any yesterday. i guess she wants to wait til a week before. but, she won't get any help from me!
oh! and the lady from First Baptist Church called and said we could have the wedding there! there is a garage sale that week, but since we aren't going to be using the fellowship hall, it should be ok! yeah! soooooo if ya wanna shop before the wedding, come on alittle early!!!!
speaking of the wedding, you know how you worry about things and stress over them. then you pray for said same things and then all of a sudden that thing you worried about has a answer? well that happen again this week. God is good like that to me. anyways, i was stressing over the cost of feeding 300-350 people. we are not rich. i can't afford 7 dollars a plate. soooo like i said i prayed about it. well now we are gonna do the dinner ourselves. but there was a small problem, who is gonna stay with the food while we are at the wedding. well. well. well. my wonderful friend Syd said she would be happy to do it. OMG. i almost cried! she is a gem. wonderful. sweet. generous. fabulous. downright awesome!!! i'm not sure if she reads my blog, not sure if anyone does. but i just had to get that off my chest! and i will be sending her a card. she has no idea how much i appreciate it!
well, have a great day. thats all the ramblings from me right now.
well tomorrow night is the last crop. man. how depressing. but i can't wait to see everyone. it is almost full too. i think 28 adn it's full at 30. i may be wrong thou. i have been wrong once or twice. lol
have you seen the new fancy pants coming out at winter cha. OMG. OMG. OMG. it is amazing. i have to have it all. if i had any doubts about a online store, i don't think i do now. i must have it all. and the only way to assurely get it in my hot lil hands, is to do a online store. i have to call the small business center today. my friend refered me there. wish me luck. i have prayed about it, and i think i'm doing the right thing. i'm excited. i have a group of cool online girls that are giving me some hints. now i have to tell mark. he don't care. he really is cool about it all. but it doesn't mean i can't complain about him every now and then!
Oh Debbie! we ate at the jackson grill last night. it was good and cheap! it was neil's birthday so we went out to eat with mom and dad. markie even went, what can i say if she hears free food, she is there. kinda like her mom. i said kinda. it was fun. the girls are at a fun age. they actually sat by each other and might even of touched a couple times and didn't scream or yell! lol ok well they haven't done that in awhile. at least a couple months. lol. down side of that? i'm getting old. oh well.
well markie picked out her dress for the wedding yesterday and paid the deposit. anyone got any extra money laying around they don't want? lol man. weddings are expensive. and markie will need a prom dress. she said she would wear the one she wore for snowball, but i don't think she will. we'll see. she didn't want to look at any yesterday. i guess she wants to wait til a week before. but, she won't get any help from me!
oh! and the lady from First Baptist Church called and said we could have the wedding there! there is a garage sale that week, but since we aren't going to be using the fellowship hall, it should be ok! yeah! soooooo if ya wanna shop before the wedding, come on alittle early!!!!
speaking of the wedding, you know how you worry about things and stress over them. then you pray for said same things and then all of a sudden that thing you worried about has a answer? well that happen again this week. God is good like that to me. anyways, i was stressing over the cost of feeding 300-350 people. we are not rich. i can't afford 7 dollars a plate. soooo like i said i prayed about it. well now we are gonna do the dinner ourselves. but there was a small problem, who is gonna stay with the food while we are at the wedding. well. well. well. my wonderful friend Syd said she would be happy to do it. OMG. i almost cried! she is a gem. wonderful. sweet. generous. fabulous. downright awesome!!! i'm not sure if she reads my blog, not sure if anyone does. but i just had to get that off my chest! and i will be sending her a card. she has no idea how much i appreciate it!
well, have a great day. thats all the ramblings from me right now.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Did Ya Survive?
What crazy weather we are having. snow storm to thunderstorm and back to snow. what the heck. is mother nature as mixed up as i am feeling lately? lol
Markie and Amanda both were on their way home last night right in the middle of the storm. amanda was coming to my house cause neil has dartball and she doesn't want to be home by herself. well, markie calls and says 'i'm staying at work until the storm is over!' well ok then. lol amanda calls minutes later and says, it's barely raining. (i'm telling you these two are total opposites!) so amanda continues home and about the new jackson exit she calls and says she thinks she saw a funnel cloud. so i say, get off at fruitland exit go to dairy queen or rhodes and wait til it passes. oh no. she continues home and arrives safely. markie, well she stays at work until it looks better on the radar on tv. at one point the weather sirens went off and i would of loved to seen her face. i'm telling ya, if it rains one drop she is freaking out! lol. but she made it home safely a little after 8. of course she called several times (which i asked if she was using her ear piece she got for christmas, and of course not, it was dead. uuuggghhh) she swore lightening was gonna hit her at any minute and it was only, like, a mile away!. she is to funny. then she stayed up til probally 11 oclock until the radar was completely clear. i wonder if she has seen the news this morning and heard that almost 50 people have died south of us in tenn, kentucy and arkansas. she will freak. the places they are showing on tv are devastating.
well i havent talked about this smelly situations before, (not that i remember anyway) but we are getting new sewers in oak ridge. yeah. our lines have been broke for awhile, well for about as long as they have been talking about getting the sewers done, and we have been having to have our septic tank pumped like every year. this is gonna be so much better when it is done. but right now, oak ridge looks like we have some huge gound hogs running around and diggin everything up. and our yard is not exception. and my oh so smart husband says, this is why i haven't done any yard work yet. oh please. really, oh please. anyway so dutch is doing the work. which bill bonney pissed me off 5 years ago when i called him and left messages for him to call me back like 4 times and he never did. finally i asked the very nice secretary (and she is, i know her) if he didn't WANT to do a small residental job, or just didn't want to come to oak ridge, or what. well he never called me back. creep. so i guess i was right, he only wants the BIG jobs. cause now they are in oak ridge every sunny day there is. blowing their horns at like 640 in the morning yellin at each other. i am so sorry, but i am not a morning person and QUIT being so d#$% happy that early in the morning, would ya. anyway, i have gotten way off subject here, you really don't care about any of this i'm sure. but this morning a NICE man from dutch comes to my door and asks that we move a couple of our vechiles ( i say a couple cause it looks like a car lot at our house, my expo, marks truck, markie's car, amanda and markies old car that i drive to work now to save gas, marks work car, and the camper.)so they can dig across the rte E. well sure. (niceness gets ya a long way with me) but i don't have to do it until tomorrow. good cause i am already a hour late for work since i over slept. i'll get to that subject in a minute. sooooooooooooooooooo, it looks like the muddiest time of year is gonna be ten times muddier at my house. great. just great.
so the reason i was late to work? well i have had this awful, awful pain in my neck (a real pain, not the kids or hubby!) and i wanted to go to walmart before work and get mesome of these

because they are sooooooooooooooooo cool, well not cool but hot/warm and feel oh sooooo sooooooo good. i highly recommend them. they work great at work. it's like a big maxi pad with little heating elements in it. they also have them for menustral (sp) cramps and i think i will buy markie some. they are kinda pricey, BUT they last for 12 hours and they REALLY last for 12 hours.
so anyway, i decided i'd just go on my lunch hour and sleep a couple more minutes. well it turned into a hour. dang it.
but my back feels good, cause since i was late i went to walmart anyway!
Markie and Amanda both were on their way home last night right in the middle of the storm. amanda was coming to my house cause neil has dartball and she doesn't want to be home by herself. well, markie calls and says 'i'm staying at work until the storm is over!' well ok then. lol amanda calls minutes later and says, it's barely raining. (i'm telling you these two are total opposites!) so amanda continues home and about the new jackson exit she calls and says she thinks she saw a funnel cloud. so i say, get off at fruitland exit go to dairy queen or rhodes and wait til it passes. oh no. she continues home and arrives safely. markie, well she stays at work until it looks better on the radar on tv. at one point the weather sirens went off and i would of loved to seen her face. i'm telling ya, if it rains one drop she is freaking out! lol. but she made it home safely a little after 8. of course she called several times (which i asked if she was using her ear piece she got for christmas, and of course not, it was dead. uuuggghhh) she swore lightening was gonna hit her at any minute and it was only, like, a mile away!. she is to funny. then she stayed up til probally 11 oclock until the radar was completely clear. i wonder if she has seen the news this morning and heard that almost 50 people have died south of us in tenn, kentucy and arkansas. she will freak. the places they are showing on tv are devastating.
well i havent talked about this smelly situations before, (not that i remember anyway) but we are getting new sewers in oak ridge. yeah. our lines have been broke for awhile, well for about as long as they have been talking about getting the sewers done, and we have been having to have our septic tank pumped like every year. this is gonna be so much better when it is done. but right now, oak ridge looks like we have some huge gound hogs running around and diggin everything up. and our yard is not exception. and my oh so smart husband says, this is why i haven't done any yard work yet. oh please. really, oh please. anyway so dutch is doing the work. which bill bonney pissed me off 5 years ago when i called him and left messages for him to call me back like 4 times and he never did. finally i asked the very nice secretary (and she is, i know her) if he didn't WANT to do a small residental job, or just didn't want to come to oak ridge, or what. well he never called me back. creep. so i guess i was right, he only wants the BIG jobs. cause now they are in oak ridge every sunny day there is. blowing their horns at like 640 in the morning yellin at each other. i am so sorry, but i am not a morning person and QUIT being so d#$% happy that early in the morning, would ya. anyway, i have gotten way off subject here, you really don't care about any of this i'm sure. but this morning a NICE man from dutch comes to my door and asks that we move a couple of our vechiles ( i say a couple cause it looks like a car lot at our house, my expo, marks truck, markie's car, amanda and markies old car that i drive to work now to save gas, marks work car, and the camper.)so they can dig across the rte E. well sure. (niceness gets ya a long way with me) but i don't have to do it until tomorrow. good cause i am already a hour late for work since i over slept. i'll get to that subject in a minute. sooooooooooooooooooo, it looks like the muddiest time of year is gonna be ten times muddier at my house. great. just great.
so the reason i was late to work? well i have had this awful, awful pain in my neck (a real pain, not the kids or hubby!) and i wanted to go to walmart before work and get mesome of these

because they are sooooooooooooooooo cool, well not cool but hot/warm and feel oh sooooo sooooooo good. i highly recommend them. they work great at work. it's like a big maxi pad with little heating elements in it. they also have them for menustral (sp) cramps and i think i will buy markie some. they are kinda pricey, BUT they last for 12 hours and they REALLY last for 12 hours.
so anyway, i decided i'd just go on my lunch hour and sleep a couple more minutes. well it turned into a hour. dang it.
but my back feels good, cause since i was late i went to walmart anyway!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Back to Grindstone
the three days off i had went by way to fast! as usual. i have good job, really i do. but sometimes it just gets to ya. not the way it did when i worked in ER. (the day i came in to a code on a baby not yet a year old was the day i knew i couldn't work there anymore.) but my office is right down from the units. and sometimes i feel so sad for the relatives who have loved ones in there. i often wonder how fun it would be to work some place that was always happy. but does a place like that exsist. maybe disney land. and i could get used to living in anaheim or florida!
but like i said, i have a good job and all my family is around here! and this month i have been at good ole st. francis for 25 years! yeah! and i will get my longievity (sp) bonus at the end of the month just in time to pay for some wedding stuff! yeah!
and i got our state taxes send off thursday and i got them back TODAY! yeah!
oh, it won't stay in my possession long, i have to pay bills with it, or so mark is making me! dang!
so i had three days off. and i stayed home, in my house, for 2 of them! i finally went to walmart (the soad was calling my name, then walmart was out of dr pepper. creeps!) yesterday. our friend tim and sydney (billie stayed home preparing for her classes at semo, she's teaching there now!) came up for the superbowl. it was fun! Chloe played with sydney really well. and i made some pioneer woman's pico. YUMMY!!! i bought some avocado's adn am gonna make some gacemole (yeah, sp is way off) tonight. yummy!
speaking of pioneer woman. i love her blog! she brightens my day with her post. i can almost smell the clean country air. ummmmmm. saturday when i was so badly wanting to go out to eat adn couldn't find any friends that were home (yeah it was 4 on a saturday, but at least one of our friends could of not had plans!) i decided to read her ongoing 'black heels to tractor wheels'. she is a hoot! i love her stories. and the ones about her retarded brother cracks me up. to hear her talk about him, you know she loves him, and still makes it funny. and handsome marbolo man. yummy spies of a man. i have to wonder if he is THAT good. but he has to be.
oh, and if you happen to be getting alot of emails from me, sorry, but some of them are toooooo good to not share!!! i love the granny and air bag one. if you didn't get it, email me. it's hilarious!!!
well bettter go back to work. i'm leaving early today, to go with amanda to try on her dress. can you believe it is only 4 months away. 4 months. i. have. alot. to. do.
but like i said, i have a good job and all my family is around here! and this month i have been at good ole st. francis for 25 years! yeah! and i will get my longievity (sp) bonus at the end of the month just in time to pay for some wedding stuff! yeah!
and i got our state taxes send off thursday and i got them back TODAY! yeah!
oh, it won't stay in my possession long, i have to pay bills with it, or so mark is making me! dang!
so i had three days off. and i stayed home, in my house, for 2 of them! i finally went to walmart (the soad was calling my name, then walmart was out of dr pepper. creeps!) yesterday. our friend tim and sydney (billie stayed home preparing for her classes at semo, she's teaching there now!) came up for the superbowl. it was fun! Chloe played with sydney really well. and i made some pioneer woman's pico. YUMMY!!! i bought some avocado's adn am gonna make some gacemole (yeah, sp is way off) tonight. yummy!
speaking of pioneer woman. i love her blog! she brightens my day with her post. i can almost smell the clean country air. ummmmmm. saturday when i was so badly wanting to go out to eat adn couldn't find any friends that were home (yeah it was 4 on a saturday, but at least one of our friends could of not had plans!) i decided to read her ongoing 'black heels to tractor wheels'. she is a hoot! i love her stories. and the ones about her retarded brother cracks me up. to hear her talk about him, you know she loves him, and still makes it funny. and handsome marbolo man. yummy spies of a man. i have to wonder if he is THAT good. but he has to be.
oh, and if you happen to be getting alot of emails from me, sorry, but some of them are toooooo good to not share!!! i love the granny and air bag one. if you didn't get it, email me. it's hilarious!!!
well bettter go back to work. i'm leaving early today, to go with amanda to try on her dress. can you believe it is only 4 months away. 4 months. i. have. alot. to. do.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Snowy, Snowy weekend!
Well, so it snowed thursday. i was off friday. I didn't go anywhere Friday. nor Saturday. so i guess the question is will i go somewhere today? you see this is so not like me. i go somewhere everyday. everyday. can i make it three days in a row not going somewhere? probally not. if i scrimped i could make it with what soda i have. i probally could make it with what food i have, but i don't think i want to. lol
i did get some scrappin done. the feb kit and march kit. then some future project done, which i may use for a retreat.
i finally got some pictures downloaded from markies dance. here's a couple. i wasn't able to get many, she was in too big a hurry. lol



man those photos need photoschop BAD! lol. i think i'm gonna have markie put the dress back on and do a trash the dress photo shoot. it'll have to wait til it gets alittle warmer thou!
so i have been checking out the sneak peeks that are coming out at cha next week. I WANNA GO! i want to go to anaheim where it's warm. to disneyland. to the show. TO EAT SOME OF THAT AWESOME PIE!
which brings me to a question. so i have mentioned i would like to do a online store. i have been busy checking out manufactures. i just have to get my state sales tax id. and a website. i'm not sure about the website and where i should start. if anyone has any tips, please share!!!! i only want a small store, to have the coolest stuff that hobby lobby doesn't. and to be able to get stuff for retreats. AND to be able to continue to go to cha! lol.
well better get in the shower. gonna tackle hte scrapbook room some more today. send me some organizing vibes please!!!
have a great day!
i did get some scrappin done. the feb kit and march kit. then some future project done, which i may use for a retreat.
i finally got some pictures downloaded from markies dance. here's a couple. i wasn't able to get many, she was in too big a hurry. lol
man those photos need photoschop BAD! lol. i think i'm gonna have markie put the dress back on and do a trash the dress photo shoot. it'll have to wait til it gets alittle warmer thou!
so i have been checking out the sneak peeks that are coming out at cha next week. I WANNA GO! i want to go to anaheim where it's warm. to disneyland. to the show. TO EAT SOME OF THAT AWESOME PIE!
which brings me to a question. so i have mentioned i would like to do a online store. i have been busy checking out manufactures. i just have to get my state sales tax id. and a website. i'm not sure about the website and where i should start. if anyone has any tips, please share!!!! i only want a small store, to have the coolest stuff that hobby lobby doesn't. and to be able to get stuff for retreats. AND to be able to continue to go to cha! lol.
well better get in the shower. gonna tackle hte scrapbook room some more today. send me some organizing vibes please!!!
have a great day!
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