Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Scrapbook Room

ok, so here is the before of my scrapbook room. ok, so it was soooo much worse than this, but this is where it was right after i got my new cabinet in. lol

from here down is the somewhat finished version! this is my turn around embellishment station. ok, so i just thought of that, but it sounds good. i found this at a tool sale with mark, it was black so i painted it green. i love it! i took alot of my little embellies and put them in here.

my trusty ink pad holder. it used to have a space between the four slots, but it only made it longer and i really didn't like it, so mark fixed it for me. i like it alot better.

i labeled the ends of my ink pads, then i seen Shirley's and she just put the color on them, so that's what i did! lots easier!

ok the top of this picture is my stamp organization. i got those plastic things from rona. i'm gonna catalog all my stamps. i'll have more on that later. that's a whole 'nother post. then on the counter is my cool spice rack thingy's on a lazy susan. i found both these at garage sales. in the glass containers are all kinds of brads! soooo cool! also on the counter is my cricut expression. love it!

i will never ever use all these brads. but aren't they pretty!

just a iris cart, but inside is my collection of BLING! i love bling. and glitter. anything shiney!

lots of stuff here. i have my card making stuff in there. (now i have to start making cards!) and all my class materials, esp PAPER! stacks and stacks of paper. oh how i love paper!

classes ready to go!

i got this cool little cabinet from work. when they were cleaning out, i won it at a silent auction! i gave less than 5 bucks for it! inside it is more stuff, like my fancy pants chipboard and acrylic. and some kits that need to be finished. oh and that coors rug, a gift from my cool friend Debbie!

My alphabets. sorted by each alpha. love this system. i have tons of packages that must be added. i wish kaydin would hurry up and learn his abc's so he could help me, instead of trying to eat them!!! lol

found this little gem at simply a dollar. LOVE IT! it holds my cat eyes perfectly!! wish i would of gotten a couple more.

the orange and green iris carts i'm gonna store my stickers. they are long enough and i am gonna sort them out into catagories. that should be fun.

my cricut drawer. where my gypsy lives.

tool drawer. i'm sure i have more junk to go in here!

another iris cart. this one for my flowers! love my flowers!

now this is my newest addition. i love this iris cart. the drawers are soo cool. they lock. i'll have to take another picture of them to show. they are cool. i am putting my paper and the embellies that match into these. like christmas, halloween, sports, baby. i hope this works!

my papaer. another thing i got from the hospital auction. the wooden dividers between my paper. you can't see it, but it is there. this was actually in my office until i didn't need it anymore. i was happy to win it!!!!

whoops, how did this messy one get in here?

ok, gotta run get the grandboy. I'll be back later, if he lets me. he's getting so bossy these days! lol

1 comment:

Rona said...

Oh my gosh this looks awesome!! I'm ready for you to come organize me now!!