Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oh My Goodness!

where has the time gone? I trust everyone had a awesome christmas and the start of a Happy New Year! the time is going by so fast! we had a great Christmas with family and friends. i had the snots, cough, fever crap going around and it tried to make my christmas unbearable, but it only made it uncomfortable, lol. i still enjoyed it.

Nothing much new going on around my house, just the same ole, same ole. we have completely cleaned out amanda's old room and transformed it into the baby's room. we painted, cleaned, and it looks really cool! mark put up a organizer in the closet(cheaply bought for a dollar at a auction and it was brand new!), the bed's up, our friend made the most awesomest changing table, grandma bought a dresser, i bought her a belated christmas gift--a glider and otamen (sp), we put up the complete (and when i say complete, i mean complete--sheets, comforter, bumper pads, wall hanging, light switch, dirty clothes hamper, rug, lamp, wicker baskets, dust ruffle) winnie the pooh ensamble i got at a garage sale and it is very nice!!! whew! it was alot of work, but alot of fun. now all we need is a baby, lol. she is 34 weeks now, and it is getting soooo close.

Now for Noah. he is getting sooo big and CUTE!! well, i just happen to have some pictures of him. sorry, but isn't that what a grandma is suppose to do, push her grandkids pictures off on people?

He is getting so cute and fun! he likes to smile, 'talk', and play with his favorite toy, his hands and fingers! lol

and i can play with him and then send him home!!!

oh yeah, and i'm having soooo much fun with photoshop!


Barb said...

Was wondering where you were....nice to see all is well.

April Guilliams said...


Noah is so cute! Great pictures- did you learn alot in that class you took?Glad you're doing good.
